Do Missions Differently
This Do Missions Differently Leader Guide is a six-lesson curriculum that assists youth and leaders in wrestling with many of the issues being discussed in academia, among mission agencies, and in many other common places concerning the role and sustainability of mission work in the world in which we live. In all these places, thoughtful Christians (and non-Christians) are asking how might believers live out their faith in ways that help those they serve (not hurt), while intentionally re ecting an accurate image of the Trinity.
Do Missions Differently Leader Guide provides fun, interactive, and thoughtful discussion in a way that will inform and deepen teenagers’ and adults’ understanding of what it means to “be on mission” in the 21st century.
- Handouts for each of the six studies
- Posters and resources
Format: The Do Missions Differently Bible Study is available for purchase as a set of downloadable pdf documents. For information on reading and printing a pdf document, visit adobe.com/reader.