Gradients: Community - Thoughtful Youth Bible Study Curriculum
The Gradients Bible study series is a relevant and culturally-sensitive resource that helps youth workers address faith issues in a way that matters to today’s teens. Volume 2 in the series, Community, introduces youth to a faith understood best in the context of community. Instead of an individualistic endeavor, teens exploring the idea of faith is born out of the support and nurture of mentors and others from within the faith community.
Each of the eight studies has a selected Bible study Scripture, and a Big Idea. The Leader Preparation material will help you delve more deeply in the Scriptures to be taught. The lesson plans will help you lead youth through a Bible learning experience with these parts:
- Introduction Activity
- Bible Study
- Discussion
- Application
- Prayer
NEW! Gradients: Community introduces mentor resources provided for each session. Whether used for one-on-one mentoring or helping your congregation to more thoughtfully engage teens, these resources will move your teens beyond Bible study to a life-changing engagement with your faith community.
Bible Study: Acts 2:42–47; Hebrews 10:24–25
Bible Study: 1 Kings 17:7–15; Hebrews 11:1–3
Bible Study: Galatians 1:6–9; Ephesians 1:15–23; Philippians 1:3–8; Colossians 1:3–14
Bible Study: Acts 8:26-40; Acts 10
Bible Study: Ruth 1:1–8; 2:17–3:5; 3:16–18; and 4:13
Bible Study: 1 Chronicles 29:10–18; Romans 12:6–8
Bible Study: 1 Timothy 1:18–20, 4:6–16
Bible Study: Matthew 4:18–22; Acts 6:1–7